
Salt Wells, Wyoming Mustang Mare

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Softness and Flow...

Played online, liberty, and freestyle tonght. Onlne we played with a bit of stick to me and figure 8' went well, America even stayed with me when I picked up the trot (my energy, not me actually trotting). I even tried a few quick/sharp turns and she looked for and caught up to me putting herself shoulder to shoulder!

At liberty, played with figure 8's and being particular about the drive and draw. We had fun with this and America ended up being able to walk calmly through the center and drawing around the cones without me having to partially disengage her hq to get the draw.

Freestyle...continued to work on FTR at walk, trot, and canter. America is doing very well to the right but the left continues to be a bit diffcult for her. I'm trying to decide if it's physical, emotional, or dominance. It seems more dominance related but I'll check out the other possibilities before coming to any conclusions. America eventually did travel to the left and was soft at the walk and trot...canter was still a bit impulsive. When playing online, going to the left is the direction she occasionally cross fires so maybe there's an issue there? She usually sorts herself out after a few strides so I'm thinking it may be more fitness or just learning related?

Played with some changes of direction and figure 8's freestyle and after a few minutes, it was looking very nice...actually flowing...nice softness!!

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