Played online tonight for 30", all 7 games but especially circling with America upholding her responsibilities of speed and direction. She's good at maintaining direction but she doesn't always maintain gait, either breaking from a trot to a walk or stopping before I ask her in and in general, her stop is behind me! We played with her maintaining gait tonight and ended up with two nice circles in each direction at the end of the 12' line.
We played a little bit with sideways over a log and America really knows this game. She readily steps over the log when asked and it only takes phase 1 for her to start moving sideways. Since she's doing so well with sideways away from me, I decided to bring her back by asking for sideways towards me. She was a bit confused at first but I kept it slow and she gave me one step towards me so we stopped there.
When we finished our online play session, it was time to feed the ponies so I fed her in the trailer. This reinforces the trailer as a sweet spot; she gets to rest and eat in there...two favorite things for a LB horse!!
I've noticed since I've been playing with America and asking more of her, I'm getting the typical "LB ears back" look from her more often. I need to pay attention to this and get strategies going to deal with it. Time to go back and review some DVD's!
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